3 Evergreen Groundcovers for Natural Gardens

Many who are interested in replacing their lawns lament the lack of evergreen options. If you need a soccer field for children, then the choices are very limited. However, if green foliage during the winter months is what you seek, there are plenty of options. I will introduce you to my three favorites.

Consider Geum fragaroides for example. A beautiful native ground cover that is 3-4” tall and sports a lush carpet of yellow flowers in spring that happily support early pollinators. The leaf edges may get a bit discolored or crispy, but the general impact is green!

Packera is another native ground cover that is mostly evergreen. the glorious textured foliage

Finally, consider Erigeron (Fleabane).

So I fully expect to get comments about the less-than pristine foliage of these selections during the winter, however I don’t see many lawns in their summer glory during the winter…except on a golf course.